• Ret Talbot posted an update in the group Group logo of Energy and Sustainability Advisory CommitteeEnergy and Sustainability Advisory Committee 2 years, 11 months ago

    RESAC had a good meeting last night (via Zoom and open to the public). We first briefly updated the full committee and the public on initiatives on which individual committee members have been working. These initiatives include Maine Stretch Energy Code, the Safe Harbor marine development project, WindowDressers, Bike to Work Week (16-20 May), Library Talks, and the development of a Climate Action Plan. As an under appointed committee (if you’re interested in joining us, please reach out), we choose to do a fair bit of work behind the scenes so that we only bring specific, actionable items to the full committee for discussion and, if necessary, a vote. I’m pleased to report that we are moving quickly on several actionable items that will contribute directly toward the City’s goal of carbon neutrality by 2045.
    The second part of our meeting focused on our top priority at the moment: recruiting a fully appointed committee. Toward that end, we did some conceptional work considering what the ideal RESAC committee would look like, and then we turned somewhat introspective, assessing the current committee’s skills, areas of expertise and passions. This led us to a good discussion about what skills and expertise we may be lacking and helped us begin to set the priorities for our recruitment work.
    As always, our meetings are open to the public, and we welcome your input and feedback. Meeting announcements and agendas are posted here and on the Rockland City Website.
    The minutes for this meeting will be posted once they are approved at our next meeting on 3 May. If you have any questions or comments in the interim, please feel free to reach out.